Thursday, October 4, 2007

Marion Jones Guilty of Steriods during Olympic Games

Marion Jones, whom won 3 gold Medals and 2 Bronze medals at the 2000 Olympic games, has admitted that she had taken steroids in a letter she had written to family and friends. She has said: "I want to apologize to you all for all of this." "I am sorry for disappointing you all in so many ways."

It is reported that Jones was given the drug, "the clear" by her coach, Trevor Graham, who told her that it was flaxseed oil. She said she had noticed changes in the way her body felt and how it recovered after she stopped taking the drug in 2001. She has said "Red flags should have been raised in my head when he told me not to tell anyone about it" she goes on to say that she never thought for one second she was using a performance-enhancing drug until after she left Graham's camp at the end of 2002.

An official investigation was launched in 2004 which entailed Jones and her possible steroid use, but was found not guilty of any illegal substances that would unfairly enhance ability.

Graham, was indicted last November on three counts of purjury (lying) to federal agents. He plead not guilty and his trial starts this November.

Along with her medals being at stake Jones has pleaded guilty to purjury and is awaiting trial.

Hasta Lasagna, I got my EyEs on yA!!

P.S.>purple cats don't like orange elephants

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