Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'm back, only because I was thinking...I I think...?

Evolution is defined as the change in the inherited traits of a population from generation to generation or change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. My question really revolves around is evolution an inevitable circumstance or a quest for perfection?

Some say that evolution is what put human beings on top of the food chain, and for the most part that is correct, but it is the evolution of the mind and the will to survive and adapt which does that for the most part. If evolution is an inevitable circumstance that allowed human beings to evolve and grow wouldn’t it be that same circumstance that would allow other beings around them to grow or fall. With evolution is it not feasible that the dominant group in order to stay dominant uses their evolution to stay on top but by doing so willfully stunts evolution for other creatures who if not through the involvement of human interaction would eventually, as an inevitable circumstance pass the human being?

If evolution is a quest for perfection, the question becomes what is perfection? Is perfection that of aesthetics or that of ultimate survival? Take the Crocodile for example its skin is almost like armor, great for defense against predators and the environment. Speaking of environment, within its own environment the crocodile has the great and innate ability to blend in which gives it hiding places and stealth like abilities for hunting, trapping, and defending. It’s eyes on the sides of it’s head and sharp teeth give it an edge on food and predators for which adult crocodiles have very few. Crocodiles are able to be underwater and on land. During voluntary submergence Crocs can go to 30 minutes or more underwater, sometimes if they are pressed can go up to 2 hours underwater. They are very strong as well, one swipe of a crocodiles tale can break a human beings legs. One bite from a crocodile can shatter bones for the crocodile's bite force can range from 2,500 to 5000 pounds per square inch. They also produce 20 to 60 eggs at a single time, no human has ever done that. (probably because we don’t produce eggs, but as it relates to offspring, although that might differ to Sarah Brandon.)

Through evolution, natural selection and mutation, it is said that we keep the favorable traits and disinherit the unfavorable traits, but where does that line come when it comes to appearance as perfection. Think about it, when someone is born without a pinky toe, in some ways people feel that they are somewhat lacking, when in all actuality the pinky toe has no real use, especially when it comes to the evolutionary principle that is upright walking. The crocodile, while not aesthetically pleasing, has not changed or evolved that much since the Jurassic era, wouldn’t that mean that it has achieved perfection through it’s slight evolution, or to better put it the crocodile has reached it’s evolutionary peak of perfection.

Evolution is said to be continual and gradual, but what if Evolution is not the quest for perfection, nor an inevitable circumstance, but an ability of adaptation used to survive in an adjusting world changed by it’s own evolutionary inhabitants?

Yeah, I was feeling philosophical and whatnot-(you can add whatnot to the end of any sentence)
Hasta lasagna, I got my Eyes on yA!!

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